Nathanael Greene Base

Nathanael Greene Base Annual Picnic


Annual Picnic – July 31, 2021 – Shelter #4 at the Triad Park

Plan of the Day



Led by

0900 – 1100

Picnic Set-up and Social hour



Opening Activities



Welcome – sound diving alarm

Base Commander



Base Chaplin


Pledge Of Allegiance

Base Commander


National Anthem

Dennis “Willy” Williford (USAF Retired)

1110 – 1230


Courtesy of Larry Hauser


Awards Ceremony

Base Commander


Tolling of the Boats

Base Commander


Closing Benediction

Base Chaplin

1300 – till…

Musical Entertainment and social time

Dennis “Willy” Williford (USAF Retired)


1) Special thanks to Larry Hauser for cooking a delicious meal for us.
2) Welcome and thanks to Dennis “Willy” Williford and his wife Debbie for providing great musical accompaniment for our picnic.
3) Tolling of the Boats for July and August. Ceremony honors the memory of Submarine men and boats lost since the establishment of United States Submarine Force.
4) The weather was excellent and 30 members and guests were in attendance.
5) Richard Gantt received his 5 year USSVI Longevity Pin
6) Jim Schenk and Larry Hauser received their 20 year USSVI Longevity Pin
